Thursday, August 25, 2011

Leapfrog Explorer Recharger

Leapfrog Explorer Recharger
by LeapFrog

 Price : $34.00

The recharging station comes in handy and the battery last for about 3-5 days with about 3-6 hours of use each time, so it last about a total of 24-27 hours of use. The Leapster Explorer is a great new hand held educational system, this keeps my son busy and he learns a lot from this system. I would recommend this to anyone with kids 3 years or older. They have plenty of games to choose from and online content you can purchase. They offer online apps, e-books, videos, and other cool stuff. You can also play online and have personalized pets and etc. I really like that I can see areas of where my son excels and where he needs help. This is possible with there learning path software. This advanced system software can even let you customize spelling list, words, and math problems etc. This system is hands down the best educational device out there.

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